PPC Summer Romance Writing Workshop

I can't believe that it's been almost a year since I attended the Summer Romance Writing Workshop sponsored by Precious Pages Corporation (PPC). It's probably one of the most interesting workshops I've attended. Before that day, I have never been around so many romance writers in my life. I felt like I was in a room full of fairy tales and happy endings. LOL! Anyway, there will be a new workshop coming up this May.

As for me, the workshop really helped a lot. I was able to understand better the mechanics of writing a romance novel. I learned so many useful techniques. I was also able to address some of my serious issues regarding my writing style. Mostly, I had a clearer understanding of what was expected from my work and from me as a writer.

Now, after one rejected manuscript and two revisions, I was able to have four manuscripts approved. Yay! I hope they come out real soon.


  1. Hello po, Miss Kensi. Would you mind if I ask you about this workshop? How is the process of this? I mean, how do the speakers teach or inform the attendees? Is there other perks?

    I heard there's going to be a workshop again this May, and I'm interested to share this event on an online magazine so it can reach wider audience. It'd be my pleasure if you can answer this upon reading my comment. Thank you very much :)

    1. Hi Queenie! You may inquire with PHR Editorial or message Ms Agnes Serafin through Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/arserafin?fref=ts)


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