Ten Years Ago...

Ten years ago, I tried to impart bits and pieces of myself with only a pen and a paper. So with those tools, I went out to see the world and find my place in it. It was a long and tiring journey. A lot of things happened, and a lot of changes took place. Then one day, I sat down and reflected. I asked myself, have I finally arrived to that place where I'm supposed to be? The answer was no. Maybe somewhere along the way, I lost sight of some parts of myself. The way got blurry, and perhaps I was mislead into a different path. But now I've finally realized that. So here I am, trying to reach out to those parts of myself that I lost.

And now, armed with a pen and a paper, I'm delving into the world of romance writing. I'm trying to dig my way toward becoming an accomplished Tagalog romance novelist. So I decided to make this blog to document my journey toward eventually seeing my stories in print.
